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Free Demo Questions:

Question 1

A user logs on a PC and receives a message stating there is a duplicate IP address on the network. After a system restart, the user notices the same error.
Which of the following is the MOST probable cause of the error?

A. The user is still logged into another device.
B. The user has set a static IP address.
C. The user has moved to a different office.
D. The user has wireless and wired connections.


Question 2

A technician is setting up a printer for a small office that does not have an RJ-45 jack. The users’ computers are all in the same workgroup and are connected physically to the same network switch. The technician needs to make sure all users can print to the new printer through the switch. Which of the following should the technician configure?

A. Shared printer
B. Print server
C. Bluetooth printing
D. Cloud printing


Question 3

After setting up a DHCP server and a DNS server a technician would like to centralize all of the events generated by the two servers so they can be viewed in one dashboard. Which of the following is a data source used to populate the dashboard?

A. Netstat
B. Host file
C. Perfmon
D. Syslog